Citizens Of Today
From 2017 to 2022, Abnaa Saida Association (ASA) implemented the “Youth Citizens of Today” project in partnership with Masar Association and UNICEF.
The project aims to enhance the participation of young men and women in local communities and public life by empowering them to identify their real needs and priorities based on a scientific research methodology, and thus planning and applying advocacy projects geared towards those priorities in cooperation with local authorities and various stakeholders on youth issues.
Over the past four years, Abnaa Saida worked on pressing issues that concluded by the youth,
In its first phase, the project aimed to support and strengthen the psychological and social health of youth in Saida by laying the foundations for a positive relationship between parents and children.
In the second phase, during the period March 2017 - February 2018, the association implemented a campaign entitled "Under the Arches" or “Taht Al Kanatir” aimed at demanding the implementation of sustainable development activities in Saida, thereby placing it within the 2018 plan of Saida’s Municipal Activities Committee and working to break the wrong stereotype about the young men and women of Saida Al-Balad.
In the third phase, during the period June 2018 - May 2019, the association carried out a campaign to promote youth sports activities in Old Saida and implemented awareness-raising activities and sessions about the importance of sport and its impact on youth and society, its role in enhancing participation and communication between youth, and achieving development and reducing the social scourges affecting youth in Old Saida.
In its fourth phase, during the period March 2021-May 2022, the association implemented the “EcoYouth” initiative after applying participatory research tools and selecting the issue of pollution by the participating young men and women, where an awareness campaign about the dangers of waste was carried out through social media. Furthermore, two workshops on the agricultural and circular economy were conducted, while inviting the youth to participate in afforestation.